الأحد، 3 يونيو 2012

Mystery baffles the world

Mystery baffles the world
... ... *
... *
(Do not know but God solved),,,
And that in his judgment that
It is said that the number seven has the same energy in the end!!!!

Let's start now

7 gates of Hell

The 7 Wonders

Number of heaven 7

Earth and the number of dishes 7

The vision of King Egypt 7 cows and 7 Sanabel

Ordered the boy to pray at the age of seven

Circumambulation around the Kaaba seven

Seeking between Safa and Marwa seven

Number of verses in light 7

7 the number of pebbles

Number 7 of the Sea

Major minerals in the earth 7

Science come to 7 basic types of stars

And also to reach 7 levels of the electron orbital ... That the 7 levels around the nucleus ..!!

And reach the flag of 7 colors of visible light ..!

And to 7 radiation of light invisible ..!!

As well as 7 and the lengths of the waves of radiation that

Good to double in 7 ears

Worship in the Holy Places Seven

Eid opening seven takbeers

And the number of days of the week seven

The cycle of the moon around the earth four Spat (28 days)

Number 7 continents of the world

Why do we celebrate the seventh day of the birth of the child (Sbua)?

Why do birds migrate in the form of 7?

Why become a seven colors of the rainbow?

Mineral salts 7 .. Knub solution of (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium)

Seven shade shadow day for God, but I keep under which

Last but not least: the certificate of consolidation .. seven the number of words ..

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