Why did God Almighty for the crow knows how to bury its dead human??▼... ▼Raven is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surat Al-Maida:
He says (and recite to them the news of my son Adam to the right as closer to offering Vtqubl of one of them did not accept the other said Oguetlink he accepts only the God of the righteous (27) While stretch your hand to kill me, I Bbasit my hand to you to kill you, I fear Allah, the Lord of the Worlds (28) I I want to assume conscious of the iniquity will be one of the owners of the fire and the reward of the wrong (29) Aftuat he himself had killed his brother and slew him became one of the losers (30) He sent God crows looking at the ground to show him how concealed the bad brother said Iaoilta incapacitated to be like this crow Voara the bad brother became of regretful (31)
These verses demonstrate the following:
That the first murder was the same between a human son Adam(Two brothers, Cain and Abel)When Cain killed his brother Abel, and the reason is the devil, jealousy, hatred and dislike for Adam and his descendantsSeek refuge with God and you from the evil of Satan
And that God sent a raven to teach the children of Adam buried their dead did not send another bird.So the role of the crow in this story is to teach man how to bury its deadWhy should I choose God without creatures to be the first teacher of man??!!
-------------------------Scientific studies have shown:-------------------------
The crow is the smartest birds and Omla at all ..!And explain, however, that the crow has the largest 2/2 the size of the brain in relation to body sizeIn all the birds known.Among the information that proven studies of the behavior of the animal world courts crowsAnd the group tried to come out of any individual under the laws of its own innate justiceSet by God Almighty
Each crime group when crows carry their own
* The crime of rape of young chicks food:
Sentence requiring that a group of crows crow feathers Bntf aggressorUntil it becomes incapable of flight Calverakh small prior to the completion of growth.
* The crime of rape or destroy the nest:
Only court to compel the aggressor crows building a nestA new nest to his victim
* And the crime of assault on another female crow
Under group ravens kill the aggressor Bmanakirha beaten to death
The Court usually take place in the field of agricultural fields or in the landWide, clustered where the Court on time, and bring the accused RavenUnder heavy guard, and his trial begins Phoenix, the head, and lower wingAnd held in recognition of his guilt for crowing
If sentenced to death and provedThe group of crows on the cometExpansion apart Bmanakirha acuteUntil he dies, and then carried by a crows beakTo dig his grave,Consistent with the size of his body, which puts the body of the dead crow and then hurlBy soilRespect for the sanctity of death and thus assess the crows of divine justice in the land held by better than many of the sons of Adam
Crow in modern science:Scientists have proved science specialists to study the behavior of animals and birdsIn their research that the crow of the other animals and birds whichThe burial of its dead.
جزاك الله كل خير