الخميس، 10 مايو 2012

Wonders ginger

The Almighty said: (and the cup was watered mood Zenjbala)
Al rights - ...

The ginger has the following benefits:

1) appetizing.
2) helps remove infections, stomach
3) activates the liver by sulfur in it, and expels toxins, and helps to build blood
4) an anti-nausea and dizziness
5) helps to treat colon or mitigation of illnesses, because it balances the bacteria in the colon that cause disease
6) increases the proportion of HIV in the body, because there are 12 in the ginger antifungal compound useful for the body
7) helps in the treatment of migraine head half
8) helps remove insomnia and nerves
9) helps to enhance memory and reduce their vulnerability
10) helps to treat eyes like blue water and white
11) addresses the diseases of asthma and respiratory
12) addresses the disease and cold cold
13) helps to treat diseases of the reproductive system
14) prevents the parties from freezing, especially in cold regions
15) addresses the diseases of the joints
16) treat or reduce the disease gout disease of kings
17) helps to treat sciatica, pain associated with disc ...

Hallelujah great

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